Four Things You Should Know About Slot Machines

Though perhaps the most popular casino attraction, the slot machine is one of the most misunderstood games around. For some reason, the one armed bandit is the subject of a great deal of misinformation out in the general public. However, if you take the time to understand how a slot machine works and why these bits of falsity cannot be so you will be able to enjoy playing more without thinking skill has anything to do with everything.

For one, and this may have happened to you, people will walk away from a machine and two minutes later somebody hits a jackpot on it. Darn, if you had just been still playing that would have been yours. That is, in fact, not true at all. Slot machines are constantly calculating their numbers and creating combinations that either win or lose; they do this even when they are not being actively played. In other words, you would have had to keep playing and have pulled the lever at the precise moment that the person you saw win the jackpot did.

Secondly, counting symbols or wheels or anything else on the wheels of the slot machine will help you figure out what your odds of winning are. Truthfully, you can’t even see the numbers you would need to, and even if you could you wouldn’t be able to do the math. The odds of winning the big payouts are astronomical which is how they can afford to offer such jackpots in the first place.

Thirdly, you have probably heard casinos talk about their slots being looser now than ever before and other such claims. The truth is that the payout on a slot machine is determined by a computer chip located inside it. The only way to change the payout is to change the chip and that is both difficult and illegal for the casino to do. They would have to actually purchase new machines.

Fourth, you will find that many people out there will tell you to watch for the slot machines that have not paid out in a while. Those are the hot ones. Truth is that they are not. Like with most games of chance, each individual play has a fresh set of odds. No matter how long it has been since the machine paid, the next spin has the same odds as the last one did. It is all controlled by computer chips to ensure as much.

So whether you are on you Catholic Church’s retreat, out with the girls, or just hitting the casinos on a weekend night, you can benefit from understanding the truths about slot machines. The odds are what they are, and when you know that you will know how to play it more wisely. judi slot online

The Guide to Playing Online Slot Machines – Slot Machine Games

If you have ever had the pleasure of playing a slot machine then you no doubt know how much fun they can be. With the internet being at our fingertips it is now possible to play an online slot machine for either cash winnings or just for fun.

First before you consider playing for money why not get used to playing the online slot machine just for fun. There are several ways that you can do this.

You can go to many of the free game sites as most of them have a least a few machines that you spend hours of enjoyment at. This way you get to familiarize yourself has to how the machines are played online. They are very much the same as what you would find at any on land casinos. The only thing missing is the crowds. The online slot machine has the same bells and whistles as the real ones.

Once you are comfortable playing the games on the free game sites its time to move onto one of the online casinos. Here you will be able to play for real cash winnings, after you have deposited of course. Before you do this though it would be a good idea to do some more practice. The casinos are a little different from the game sites.

At these casinos they will either allow you to enter a free mode, or give you bonus spins. In the free mode they will give you some free casino credits, which have no cash value. What this allows you to do is play the various games that are on the site. Once you have played a online slot machine that you favor the most you will be comfortable with it once you start to play for money.

The second option they may give you is the chance to play for free for one hour. slot gacor They will give you a specific amount of bonus credits to use. If you lose them within the hour then the trial is over. If you end up winning in the hour then you may be able to keep your winnings but with some very specific restrictions. You will need to read the rules and regulations very carefully regarding this. Each casino has its own set of rules in general.

Once you have become really comfortable with playing an online slot machine and feel that you would like to try at playing for real money then you need to decide a few things. First you want to pick a Casino that you enjoy the most. Hopefully you have tried out at least two or three, and are now familiar with each of them.

Pick your favorite casino and you are most likely already registered with them, if you have been trying their free games. Some with ask you to register again to be able to enter the pay version of their site. Once you are fully registered you will be ready to make your first deposit. You should have several options available to you here as deposit methods. Choose the one you are going to use, and follow through the instructions on how to do so. You may want to start with a small deposit to start with just in case you find out that you don’t like the site. You can always move onto another one. One thing to remember though,, some of the casinos will offer sign up incentives. This means they may match your first deposit with bonus money of equal amount. If this is the case then you may want to make a more substantial deposit to take advantage of this promotion.

Video Poker or Slots?

Taking into consideration the ‘long-term’ results, the average slot machine offers higher profit than video poker. The reason is obvious: a poker is a game of skill, and market competition forces all types of casinos (online and land-based) to award winners of games of skill higher than games of luck. Most people are not skilled in playing casino games, so casino can afford high awards for those who have mastered hazard games, assuming that a profit will come from other players’ mistakes.

I can show you how to get the maximum return out of a video poker machine, but you need to remember that the maximum return may still be less than 100%. Any theoretical return of a video poker machine that’s less than 100% means the casino has an edge over you, and this takes place in slot machines, Baccarat, or Roulette. The difference is that the casino’s edge in a video poker game may be (but isn’t always) comparatively small; in the neighborhood of 1% or so. Even by making a lot of mistakes, the average player can likely achieve a long-term return of over 97% when playing a good video poker game. By ‘good’, I mean a game like full-pay Jacks or Better, which is widely available on the Internet. This version of video poker offers a return of 99.54% if the player uses the proper playing strategy. That translates into a casino edge of about 0.50% which is similar to the average Blackjack game and is undoubtedly a lower edge than the average slot machine, which is typically 3-5% at best.

However, to effectively realize the total return of a video poker game one must, at one point or another, receive a Royal Flush and its cousin, the Straight Flush. These are rare; a Royal will come only once every 40,000 hands and a Straight Flush once every 9000 hands, on average. Because we’re dealing with averages in a random game, there’s nothing to stop you from getting a Royal on your very first hand, but it’s not likely to happen. And the short-term lack of such hands alters the return you can expect when you play, say, 1000 hands of video poker, which is two or three hours of gaming. I don’t want to get too involved with mathematics here, but the Royal Flush and Straight Flush add a total of 2.53% to the 99.54% return of the full-pay Jacks or Better video poker game that I mentioned earlier. Because it’s not realistic to hit either a Royal or a Straight Flush during the course of 1000 hands of play, your return will likely be more in the area of 99.54% minus 2.53% or 97%. slot That translates into a 3% casino edge, which is not far removed from that of a good slot machine.

What is a ‘good’ slot machine? Well, I don’t know, because they cannot be measured like a video poker game. But, just for discussion purposes, let’s say we can identify a slot machine that has a long-term return of 97% (a 3% casino edge) and it requires 3 quarters per spin. Generally, a quarter video poker game will require 5 quarters per hand and both slots and video poker games can usually be played at a rate of about 400 spins or hands per hour. You can easily see that playing 400 spins on a slot machine at $.75 per spin means you’ll be betting $300 per hour and playing 400 hands of video poker means you’ll be betting $500 per hour. If the casino’s edge, in the short-term, is 3% on each game, your expectation is to lose $12 per hour while playing the slot machine and $15 per hour when playing the video poker game, assuming you use the proper strategy.

Sure, if you’re going to play on a regular basis, are willing to finance the inevitable losing sessions that are part and parcel of video poker and are willing to learn the proper playing strategy, then video poker is a better way to go, because your long-term results will likely be much better. But to many people, gaming is a form of relaxation or entertainment so I can’t blame those who’d rather play a slot than a video poker game, especially if you have a spare $20 that you want to gamble with. Throw in the fact that many slot machines – primarily those without a progressive jackpot – pay proportionately; that is, the return for one quarter played is one-third of the return for three quarters played, your $20 might get you several hours of entertainment. But unlike going to a movie, play or sporting event, this is entertainment that could see you walking away with a profit.

Slot Tournament Winners Secrets

There are dedicated slot players who continually follow what is believed by some to be the unspoken “slot tournament circuit”. This group of slot tournament chasers will show up for Hollywood Casino’s slot tournament event and then a month later, you will see them at a tournament at the Grand Casino in Tunica. Though there are only a handful of these people who continually participate, the prize pool keeps them focused on playing the slot tournaments.

Some of the best kept secrets stay with these folks but there are a few tips that you can “catch on to” on your own. slot For instance, if you notice a familiar slot tournament player, you will notice they never drink right before they play a tournament because it slows down their reflexes. Many people use two hands to play the tournaments and continually hit the button to try to catch as many hits on the payline as possible.

Some of the “winners” will stand, not sit during the tournament, so they have more power to “put behind” the pushing of the button multiple times. There are other “tricks” many of these Champions of the Slot Tournaments use, but we may never know what they are unless we follow some of them very close because they are not known for sharing them out loud.

Many slot players believe there is power in numbers and if they gamble with a significant other they ask a host how much play is required to be “invited” to the invitational tournaments.

While it may not seem like something you want to pursue, special “invitational” tournaments can secure you a spot where the top prize is into the tens of thousands of dollars. It is worth checking out to have a shot at the big bucks these tournaments provide.

Jungle Wild Slots – Favorit Pemain Slot

Apakah ada perburuan harta karun di masa depan Anda? Izinkan Jungle Wild Slots membawa Anda ke area yang terlupakan oleh waktu. Harta karun kekayaan besar menunggu Anda di antara reruntuhan peradaban yang terlupakan, jauh di dalam hutan terlarang. Untungnya bagi Anda, ada indikasi dan saran tentang situs hadiah ini. Saat ini, terserah Anda untuk mengungkap rahasia dan mengikuti indikasi yang akan mengarahkan Anda untuk menemukan kekayaan di luar impian terliar Anda sendiri.

Sebagai pembuat game seperti Monopoly Slots dan Men in Black Slots, WMS Gaming memiliki keahlian dalam membuat game mesin slot bertema yang hebat. Sebagai bagian dari Seri slot G+ mereka, permainan mesin slot Jungle Wild adalah pemenang lain dalam rangkaian permainan slot yang bagus seperti permainan Zeus Slot dan permainan mesin Slot Palace of Riches. Yang membuat mesin slot ini populer di kalangan pemain slot adalah fitur bonus spin gratis dan fitur perayaan “Big Win”, yang keduanya merupakan ciri khas dari game game mesin slot G+. Ketika Anda mencapai pemenang yang layak, seperti katakanlah 100 koin atau lebih, “Kemenangan Besar” ditampilkan di layar. Gambar koin meledak dari air mancur imajiner ditampilkan di layar bersama dengan kata-kata “Kemenangan Besar”. Selama hitungan mundur “Kemenangan Besar” dari kemenangan Anda, sebuah lagu akan diputar dari pengeras suara mesin. Ini cenderung terjadi setelah kemenangan putaran tunggal yang signifikan serta mengikuti kesimpulan dari fitur putaran bebas.

Mesin slot Jungle Wild adalah mesin slot lima gulungan, 20 garis pembayaran. Meskipun ini adalah slot sen yang sebenarnya, Anda dapat memainkan sebanyak dua puluh koin per baris. Jadi, taruhan potensial terbesar Anda biasanya $4,00 untuk setiap putaran. Pemain slot tampaknya memenangkan jumlah kecil di hampir setiap putaran. Putaran gratis inilah yang membuat orang kembali ke Jungle Wild Slots.

Simbol pencar untuk Jungle Wild Slots adalah piramida. Fitur putaran bebas dimulai jika tiga simbol piramida muncul di gulungan. Selain itu, selama permainan putaran gratis, seseorang mungkin memenangkan lebih banyak putaran gratis. Ini dapat dicapai dengan cara yang sama seperti putaran bonus pertama Anda telah diberikan, hanya dengan mendapatkan 3 atau lebih simbol piramida muncul di layar. Dua gulungan liar saat Anda memainkan putaran gratis. Gambar liar menggantikan setiap simbol lain pada gulungan unggulan sehingga, pada dasarnya, setiap ikon pada setiap gulungan adalah liar. Gulungan liar biasanya dipilih secara sewenang-wenang dan bervariasi selama setiap putaran. Seperti yang Anda lihat, Anda dapat mengumpulkan beberapa kemenangan uang tunai yang substansial selama putaran bonus gratis. Putaran gratis juga merupakan tempat Anda akan mengalami yang paling menyenangkan.

Ada banyak mesin slot yang berbeda untuk dipilih begitu Anda berada di kasino. f Tapi, Jungle Wild Slots adalah salah satu permainan slot favorit saya. Cukup banyak pemain mesin slot lain yang menyukai mesin slot ini. Saya telah melihat video game slot Jungle Wild di banyak kasino India, kasino Las Vegas dan bahkan selama Harrah’s New Orleans. Selama jam malam akhir pekan, Anda mungkin tidak menemukan mesin Jungle Wild Slots kosong. Secara pribadi, saya tidak dapat dengan jujur ​​mengklaim bahwa saya telah mencapai pemenang besar dengan memainkan slot ini. Meskipun demikian, istri saya memiliki beberapa kali. Paling sering, kemungkinan besar yang paling mungkin Anda menangkan adalah sekitar $ 500, ketika Anda bertaruh taruhan maksimal.